UN Women: Focus on women affected by Herat earthquake

Hakim Bigzaad

The United Nations Women’s Section has released a report stating that the majority of the victims of the Herat earthquake were women and children, with a focus on women in their aid efforts.
This institution, which recently elaborated on its assistance to earthquake victims in Herat, emphasized that 58% of the youth casualties in the October 7, 2023 earthquake in Herat were women. According to the report, 60% of the wounded and 61% of the missing persons are also women.
It is noteworthy that on October 7, 2023, an earthquake measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale shook Herat province in western Afghanistan, mainly affecting women and children. The epicentre of this earthquake was in Zindajan district of Herat.
The report mentions that cash assistance has been provided to 500 female heads of households in affected areas, but details of the assistance provided are not available.
Furthermore, the report states that 600 women have received non-food aid such as blankets, clothes, shoes, and tents, while an additional 370 women have received psychosocial support and social assistance.
The deadly Herat earthquake on October 7, 2023, destroyed about 400 villages to varying degrees. 10% of women in these affected villages were entrepreneurs. According to the United Nations Women’s Section, 178 of the 400 affected villages have received assistance.
Khaama Press